
Free Guide

The Ultimate Guide to Disaster Preparedness

If you’re ready to review your disaster preparedness and recovery plan, this is the place to start.


We’ve compiled dozens of free resources and data visualization tools to ensure you’re taking the comprehensive approach that is required by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS).

Get thought-provoking strategies to engage your leadership team and improve your plan:

  • Understand the geographic area where natural disaster impacts could be the greatest
  • Assess proximity of pharmacies, prisons, and other infrastructure
  • Evaluate the groups most impacted by emerging and resistant diseases

Bonus! Get additional information specifically for Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) and look alikes.

Final 2024 Disaster Webinar Headshots


In this on-demand webinar, experts from AC Disaster Consulting cover emergency planning basics, share tips for creating a great plan, and offer ideas for translating the best approaches to healthcare. 


Be Better Prepared with MedTrainer.

MedTrainer’s all-in-one compliance platform simplifies emergency management with full-cycle policy management, online training, and more.

See it in action: There are dozens of free resources and data visualization tools to help you prepare for the next emergency, but most healthcare organizations are not using them. Get the most comprehensive list available, ideas for visualizing your organization’s biggest threats, and detailed emergency plan requirements. 

Get in touch with us

Sales: (888) 337-0288