
Free Guide

Essential Credentialing Data

Unlock insights to maximize revenue, make better business decisions, and increase efficiency.


Data provides ultimate visibility into your organization’s credentialing process. In this guide, you’ll get the best data points to track related to:

  • Executive Data: High-level data to better project revenue, plan for growth, and manage staffing.
  • Capacity Data: Insight into the credentialing needs of the organization and management of changes in workload.
  • Enrollment Data: Keep tabs on the enrollment process to identify improvements, set realistic expectations, and limit lost revenue.
  • Claim Denial Data: Identify and eliminate the root causes of credentialing-related claim denials impacting revenue and staff time.

You’ll also find out how to transform your process with a credentialing platform and the data it can provide.


Enrollment delays shouldn’t be costing you revenue

ON-DEMAND WEBINAR: How to Speed Up Your Enrollment Process

It’s time to conquer the dozens of pitfalls credentialers face with provider enrollments. MedTrainer credentialing veterans share insight into accelerating enrollments and avoiding snags. Then, watch as they lay out a proven payer enrollment process that you can implement in your own organization.


Are You Spending Too Much Time On Provider Enrollments?

WORKSHEET:  Find out if Your Provider Enrollment Expectations Are Reachable

Download this dynamic worksheet to better understand if your current team has the capacity to handle what is expected — and to see how organizational growth could impact your process.